HURCO® vyvíjí a vyrábí CNC vertikální a horizontální obráběcí centra. Navíc, jako výrobce CNC strojů s více než 50 letou zkušeností, HURCO nabízí řešení na míru, stejně jako nejrychlejší CNC řídicí systém na trhu MAX ®5. Jsme mezinárodní výrobce, naše high-end produkty se používají v leteckém průmyslu, strojním inženýrství, zdravotních technologiích a energetickém průmyslu, stejně jako v logistice a počítačové technologii.

Naše společnost byla založena před více než 50 lety, a potřeby zákazníků byly vždy naší prioritou.

Naší vizí vždy bylo vytvořit CNC řídicí systém, který umožní firmám rychle naprogramovat CNC stroje, čímž se zkrátí nevýrobní časy a výrazně zvýší profit.

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More Information


Through many years of close cooperation with users, we know your requirements exactly. As a modern company with a high level of innovation and on the basis of extensive market analyses, we always develop CNC machines and CNC controls for individual and small series as a complete product line. In this way, we ensure that our solutions fit your diverse needs.


From the design to the final product

As an independent traditional company in the field of CNC milling and turning, we are always aware of our obligation towards our customers, employees and business partners.

Short paths and uncomplicated management enable fast action and reaction to your needs. And this results in the right solution: CNC technology that leads purposefully and quickly from the drawing to the finished part, both for individual parts and small series.

Due to the size of the company, we are able to fulfil individual customer wishes quickly and flexibly with an optimal, partnership-oriented service, while at the same time reacting innovatively to the requirements of the future.

Continuity, partnership, quality, innovation and service are the principles of our company philosophy.

The goal is the optimal interaction between technology and people.


The industry's fastest CNC control MAX® 5

Our MAX ®5 CNC machine control, coupled with the power of WINMAX CNC software®, is the key to increased profitability in shop floor manufacturing. This is made possible by the highly efficient low-volume high-mix production, which leads to a reduction in set-up and programming times.

In response to the question "What do you like best about HURCO®?", 65 % of the respondents answered
HURCO Abstract

Our co-founder Gerald Roch developed conversational programming, creating an alternative to complicated G-code programming that puts the operator back in control at the CNC machine. Even manufacturing operations using NC and CAD/CAM software were able to achieve increased productivity by using the versatile HURCO®CNC control. These shops used NC programming for complex part production, but conversational programming for one-off production, simple 2-D machining and/or fixturing.


The right CNC machine for every requirement

Only with a high degree of flexibility can we adapt to new situations and circumstances and offer our customers individual and holistic solutions.

The range of CNC machining centres offered by HURCO®, which extends from 3-axis to large-format milling machines, is wide and offers the right CNC machine for every operation. But milling alone should not be enough. The TMX, TMM and TM series include a range of CNC turning centres with chuck sizes up to 455 mm as well as turning/milling machines that support the "done in one" principle (combining all machining processes in one machine).

Whether turning, milling, 2D or 3D machining, HURCO®s CNC machine tools with integrated control let you machine faster than other CNC machine tools. Your expertise combined with our control technology - that is "mind over metal".


We manufacture high-quality and highly efficient CNC machines. For this purpose, we only use components from first-class brand manufacturers and specialist suppliers, with whom we often have long-term partnerships. The production is carried out according to demanding quality specifications and our quality management is certified according to ISO 900: 2008.

CNC machine users who trust HURCO®

7_Teplast_GF TerbrackVMX84i

"Máme výborné vztahy s HURCO, zejména s jejich servisními pracovníky. Díky nim jedeme ve velkém."

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Springer Zerspanungstechnik

Vyzkoušel jsem i jiné značky strojů, ale od té doby jsem kupoval už jen HURCO. Co jsem si okamžitě oblíbil, je systém programování strojů HURCO.

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Happy to have

"Začal jsem vyrábět sám, protože jsem chtěl nabídnout vysokou kvalitu za dobrou cenu. A to je přesně to, co jsem schopen realizovat v Německu s mojí myšlenkou a stroji od HURCO."

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Canyon Bicycles GmbH

HURCO stroje jsou perfektní pro výrobu našich komponentů. Polohování 5 os je prováděno řídicím systémem, takže není vyžadováno příliš mnoho koncentrace. Pravidelně přepínáme mezi dialogem a CAM systémem, a to přímo na stroji."

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